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Vivienne Hamblin

Dance People Improvisation in Harare


Dancer Choreographer who specialises in shaping movement in groups and site-specific dance. 
As an English Language Teacher (TESOL) she explores language as a total physical response (TPR).


Vivienne Hamblin Artwork Responses
Photo: C Hamblin: Yorkshire Sculpture Park (Julian Opie, Galloping Horse), Istanbul and Jerwood Gallery (Mark Wallinger, The Human Figure In Space), (top right) Vivienne Hamblin on Hastings Beach, Photo L Crowley

2018  - Dancing to the Sounds of the Sea.  Coastal Current Festival Sept 2018.   Movement for the frieze of Florence Peake’s ‘RITE’, at the DLWP April 2018

V Hamblin Coastal Current Event 09092018

2017 –     Co-ordinating workshops responding to structures through the medium of movement in the DLWP gallery space with the installation by Roy Voss : The Way Things Are;  a sculpture that stretched the length of DLWP’s ground floor gallery space, between the floor-to-ceiling windows and the thin columns that run along it.

2016 – Improvising with Pindrop Theatre, Research and Development dancing on, in, under and beside the RIBA award-wining Hastings Pier.

VH & CH Spiral Walk Hastings Pier February 2018Snow Spiral Walk, Hastings Pier. Vivienne & Christopher Hamblin February 2018 (Photo C Hamblin)

2016-  Site specific Dance at the Coastal Edge. Dancing Under the Full Moon – free dance at Low Tide, St Leonard’s.

2006- Embassy part-time consultant teacher.  TESOL at Hastings College.  TEFL part time since then – specializing in ‘TPR’ (Total Physical Response). Worked on Moving Words with Etta Ermini, at Chisenhale Dance Space.  Worked with international youth groups teaching English in Hastings.

2005 Sea Dances, ‘Degas at Sea’  - film with Rachel Lever.

2004 – 2008 Teaching After School GCSE Dance at Helenswood

Most recently she has been exploring site specific dance on beaches, on the piers and in Art Galleries of the South Coast: In September she will host an event in the Coastal Currents Festival, Dancing to the Sounds of the Sea, September 9, 2018.
In April 18 she was involved with movements for the frieze shown in DLWP Gallery 2 of Florence Peake’s ‘RITE’, at the DLWP and earlier in the responding to an instalation by Roy Voss :The Way Things Are, to work explore movements with the gallery length sculpture of a Pier.

2008- As a TESOL teacher she has worked at Embassy English, Hastings and with Etta Ermini on the Moving Words Project at Chisenhale Dance Space, London (2008-10). Studies continue with language learners in understanding the traditional culture of movement in English Country dance and music with the Twin Arts Barn Dance Band.

See DANCE PEOPLE, Zimbabwe 1989-2002

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