T'ai-Chi in Zimbabwe 2002

Programme of WTC&QGDay Event in Harare 2002


10.00am Saturday 6th April 2002

Botanical Gardens Harare Zimbabwe

"Twisting of the Tiger's Ears" from the Long Yang Form by The School of T'ai-Chi Chuan, Harare

What is World T'ai Chi & Qigong Day? a statement in 2002 by Bill Douglas, International Co-ordinator & Founder

"Mer Ke Ba or Flower of Life" movement led by Ten Carr of Shih Fu Tsu - Taijiquan

"Stepping Back & Repulsing the Monkey" from the Long Yang Form by World T'ai Chi Boxing Association, Zimbabwe Highlands Branch

T'ai Chi Chih "Rocking Movement" led by Sr Francis Kay

'Shih Fu Tsu' Tajiquan Group performing "The Stick Form"

T'ai Chi Chih

"Raising of the Hands Separately" movements led by Ray Walker(not in picture) from World T'ai Chi Boxing Association, Zimbabwe, Highlands Branch

T'ai Chi Opening "The Cycle of the Seasons" led by Chris Hamblin

The School of T'ai-Chi Ch'uan, Harare performing the Long Yang Form

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